At the moment the most dominant Genre of video games is shooters particularly first person shooter example CoD and Battlefield but they're only two....And also what type of video game genre do you want to become the next most popular thing?How long until RPG games become the most popular genre instead of FPS's?
That's like asking how long will people like horror movies over chick flicks...It isn't something that is really a fad; A true gamer won't just go with the flow to meet trends as they will stick with what they like.
Also, as far as fps are concerned there are way more than CoD and Battlefield... (see sources to see a more than staggering list on Game Spot.)
Rpgs aren't being neglected either as there are also more than an ample amount of them out there. (see sources)
I don't really support the "most popular thing," theory and think statistically speaking one is going to have to be more predominant than the other so it is really a moot point. As long as there is money to be made, and a market / audience for it, devs will continue to make both genre.
I am mainly and RPG player and can list several that just had expansions, being made or about to be released..
Rift - beta tested this one actually
Dragon Age 2
FF XIV (new ff mmo)
Cataclysm (wow)
Secret World (funcom project been working on forever.)
Titan (Blizz's next mmo project.)
Two Worlds Two (just came out.)
You're very welcome :)
You may find this a good read if you're interested in Titan :
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How long until RPG games become the most popular genre instead of FPS's?Thanks!
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How long until RPG games become the most popular genre instead of FPS's?And also what was Rift like? was it any good?
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Uh, you're taking a declining genre and saying "how long until it overtakes the most popular genre."In case you haven't noticed, a damn lot of RPG games are currently emulating FPS games. Mass Effect 1 and 2, Alpha Protocol, Fallout 3 and New Vegas, the final fantasy series is committing harakiri. The RPG genre as we know it from, say, Baldur's gate and the original Fallout games is dead.
Rpg will never come back unless a different company steps up. Right now there is just final fantasy which is going down hill. And thats pretty much the only game close. I would like to see some old arcade style like the old dragon ball z or soul calibur
RPGs will never be more popular, at least its highly unlikely. Although World of Warcraft, an MMORPG has been the most played and most popular game for years.
Well, that will be hard. I think they will become even or something like that. Dragon Age 2 will represent a whole new world of RPG games. I think it will happen soon.
Skyrim will help things along with its new engine, and ofcourse, the modding tools.
The day activision fails...oh wait they already have when they released black ops :/
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