Friday, January 20, 2012

What RPG games do you recommend for the PS2?

I'm trying to find some new RPG games for the PS2. I have both Kingdom Hearts games and Final Fantasy X, X2 and XII already. What other games do you recommend for the PS2?What RPG games do you recommend for the PS2?
final fantasy vii it has cloud and vincint valentine
try god of war 1 %26amp; 2, u won't be dissapointedWhat RPG games do you recommend for the PS2?
Try KOTOR or Fable oh wait you can't HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!What RPG games do you recommend for the PS2?

Here is a list of HIGH RATED role-playing games for Playstation 2.

鈥hin Megami Tensai: Persona 3

鈥ana Khemia: Alchemists of Al-Revis

鈥ragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

鈥ark Cloud 2

鈥ogue Galaxy

鈥din Sphere

鈥ales of the Abyss

I hope I answered your question!

Feel free to contact me by e-mail if you have any other questions!

well i recommend:

1-shin megami tensei:persona 3 FES

2-ultimate alliance

3-mana khemia:alchemist of al-revis

4-colosseum:road to freedom

that all i can recommend the rest rpg games of ps2 other than that list and your games u told me about just now (SUCKED)
Okay, since you own the best RPG's for that system, then there is only one that comes close to matching it... the Xenosaga series, is one of the best rpg's I have ever played (3 games that are one story, so start at the beginning). It is one I can go over more than once, and has a lot of extras. The story is phenominal, and the gameplay is differnt with each game. The only drawback to the series was the 2nd game, where the voice-overs were changed to differnt people, but even that doesn't make it a bad game by any means... besides it is essential for the story to continue on to playing the 3rd game (where they get the origional vioce actors/actresses back).

The story is virtually unmatched, and there is a lot of FMV's throughout the games. You will get a lot of gameplay out of each game!! (I am currently re-beating all of the games, so I can see the story unfold again... it's that good!!) If you like FF, then you will love this. Play the first one and beat it, then you will be hooked! I was skeptical at the beginning, but once I beat the first game, I had to get the rest. Happy gaming!!

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